Friday, December 14, 2012

Jenni Rivera

Jenni Rivera was killed sunday when her plane crashed in a mountainous area. it's very sad how she died and it's also kind of strange how so many famous people die in plane crashes. Jenni Rivera will always be remembered especially since she was so young, in fact too young to die. i read this crazy thing on the book of faces where a "psychic" believed she was still alive and that jenni and her makeup artist were trapped under a cave and were slowly dieing. it was funny because they had already found her remains but its interestiong what people say about these things. i'm sure the psychic lady would never say anything about a normal person whos missing, but a famous person gets all the attention. i'm not saying it's bad its just sad that so many people die and go missing everday yet we only acknowledge the famous ones. Jenni rivera was an amazing artist. the pilots should have landed imediatley after they lsot contact with air traffic control because they could've run into another plane. it was just a dangerous sitation that could have been avoided. her fans will forever miss her.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Syrians using sugar to make bombs

What is this world coming to? bombs can now be made with table sugar. the thought is scary how easily something so deadly can be made. its funny since we have been talking about bombs in class lately and the documentary in the Gaza Strip had lots of information about bombs and how they dispose of them. the Syrians making homemade bombs like this will mean an increase in the amount of bombs. the man who makes the bombs believes he doesn't have a choice but to make them since he lives in fear all the time. this is sad because we don't realize how lucky we are they we can get up and go places with minimal fear while people on the other side of the world are making bombs for protection. the rocket he made has a range of 12 km. which is insane to even think about considering its made from sugar. his assistant was killed while experimenting, so he now works alone. hopefully these bombs will only be used when necessary.